Control Bars Disappearing / How to Zoom Out?
Hello. In the first beta, I was plagued with control bars randomly disappearing and not coming back . Thankfully, they seem to have squashed this bug; however, with this last release, I seem to be plagued again with this bug. It happens after about 1-2h of play (not immediately) and always towards the end of the mission...
I actually consider this a huge feature -- if it was toggleable. My computer is setup to only use the keyboard; so I find the visualization refreshing -- it certainly does not hinder my game play. I find all the clutter on the screen very distracting when you're hacking away as a warrior; even with this "bug" it was quite easy to finish one mission; however, i did lose two of my henchmen towards the end, and without the mini-map I couldn't find them again... However, now that I'm playing my healer again; I really need to have the party window...
While I'm at it, another bug has come back as well; occasionally the visualization "zooms in" to a wonderful up-close picture of my avatar's face/back. This isn't a fatal bug -- I can make my mini-map full-size and play from that. However -- is there _anyway_ to zoom out w/o using a mouse? I don't have a mouse. Please, please, please, I've been asking for over a year now -- could you implement a keyboard method for zoom-in and zoom-out?
I'm writing this post because _both_ of the two bugs happened to me at the same time in Sorrow's Furnace after about 1.5h of game play. First, I lost my controls (no mini-map), then 3 minutes later, it zoomed in on me. I attached the mouse to zoom back out; but the mouse zooming function also seemed to be broken. The result was unplayable -- I had no mini-map and no visualization; however, I did have a few summit warrior axes on my display right before I died.
my warrior was able to finish one mission even with the controlls missing [1] so it wasn't a huge issue.
However, now that I'm playing a healer again -- it's a problem.
[1] I have configured the system to only use a keyboard; so, when the controlls went away, it was actually a pleasant suprise not to have all that cluter
(as well as the system zooming way in, and refusing to zoom out).